
My boss is threatening me with a write up and possible suspension without pay for not taking my meal breaks? (CA)

I work in a pretty past faced golf course and we have no time to take lunch breaks. If we do, we just clock out for half an hour and clock back in while still working because it’s that busy. We’ve been slammed these passed few weeks with golfers like nothing we’ve ever seen so there hasn’t even been time to punch out if we wanted to. My boss pointed me out and told me he’s going to write me up if I don’t clock out next time and the time after that will be an immediate suspension. I have it on text after he got chewed out by his upper bosses but I just wanted to know is that even legal? There’s no malicious intent behind it, I’m not trying to get the extra hour meal penalty. But still? I have no way of clocking out and can’t physically…

I work in a pretty past faced golf course and we have no time to take lunch breaks. If we do, we just clock out for half an hour and clock back in while still working because it’s that busy. We’ve been slammed these passed few weeks with golfers like nothing we’ve ever seen so there hasn’t even been time to punch out if we wanted to. My boss pointed me out and told me he’s going to write me up if I don’t clock out next time and the time after that will be an immediate suspension. I have it on text after he got chewed out by his upper bosses but I just wanted to know is that even legal?

There’s no malicious intent behind it, I’m not trying to get the extra hour meal penalty. But still? I have no way of clocking out and can’t physically sit down for 30 minutes and not do anything. It’s simply too busy

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