
Can women please get first two days of period off of work

I know it will never happen, but I am in painnnn laying in bed in fetal position about to get up and go to work. My direct boss who is a woman says it’s no excuse not to come in because she comes in every month herself. Totally get it. But I want to cry, poop, and throw up all at once. LET US LAY IN BED AND CRY IF WE WANT TO.

I know it will never happen, but I am in painnnn laying in bed in fetal position about to get up and go to work. My direct boss who is a woman says it’s no excuse not to come in because she comes in every month herself. Totally get it. But I want to cry, poop, and throw up all at once. LET US LAY IN BED AND CRY IF WE WANT TO.

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