
WFH has ran its course. Want to leave but job market is trash.

I'm sure you all get a ton of posts like this here but tell me what you would do and/or please offer any advice if you can… I (25f) started WFH during the pandemic (it's been 4 years now, started at age 21). At first, the world was shut down and I wasn't really feeling the job/coworkers so it worked out for me. Now, years later, and even after a new job (fully remote again), I'm ready to get back out into the real world bc wfh has ran its course. Not to mention it's a toxic work environment and I hardly get along with my boss. It's very lonely after a while and it's beginning to take a toll on me. I talk to friends about it but they don't understand. I have no routine, no clothes, or overall excitement to go outside, explore, and be young/free. I'm applying…

I'm sure you all get a ton of posts like this here but tell me what you would do and/or please offer any advice if you can…

I (25f) started WFH during the pandemic (it's been 4 years now, started at age 21). At first, the world was shut down and I wasn't really feeling the job/coworkers so it worked out for me. Now, years later, and even after a new job (fully remote again), I'm ready to get back out into the real world bc wfh has ran its course. Not to mention it's a toxic work environment and I hardly get along with my boss.

It's very lonely after a while and it's beginning to take a toll on me. I talk to friends about it but they don't understand. I have no routine, no clothes, or overall excitement to go outside, explore, and be young/free. I'm applying like crazy to get a new job but the interviews aren't coming through. We all know how the market is right now…

Any one else in this position? Any tips?

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