
Frustrated with the system

Long time lurker, but today I have had it. I work at a country club (lots of 1%'ers). I sometimes get people asking me what I'm going to do for a career as I'm almost finished with my bachelors. And in all honesty, I don't know. I want to do so many things, but I've had it with the job searches, the rejection letters, the interviews where I spew the same bullshit just to have to go to another interview to prolong the rejection letter. My bachelor's used to get me a well paying job a few years ago, now I'm not even considered for a $17/hour position unless I get an additional associates/bachelors/masters in that area. True thoughts: I don't want to work for the rest of my life. I want to be a mother. I want to be a wife. I want to be a homemaker but unfortunately…

Long time lurker, but today I have had it. I work at a country club (lots of 1%'ers). I sometimes get people asking me what I'm going to do for a career as I'm almost finished with my bachelors. And in all honesty, I don't know. I want to do so many things, but I've had it with the job searches, the rejection letters, the interviews where I spew the same bullshit just to have to go to another interview to prolong the rejection letter. My bachelor's used to get me a well paying job a few years ago, now I'm not even considered for a $17/hour position unless I get an additional associates/bachelors/masters in that area.

True thoughts: I don't want to work for the rest of my life. I want to be a mother. I want to be a wife. I want to be a homemaker but unfortunately that doesn't pay the bills. So I look for a job, but no one will take me. With A FOUR YEAR DEGREE I BUSTED ASS FOR, NO ONE WILL CONSIDER ME UNLESS I BUST MY ASS FOR ANOTHER 2-4 YEARS TO GET PAID THE BARE MINIMUM IT TAKES TO LIVE. I'm not an anti-capitalist, but fuck it just gets tiring knowing that this is something I'm going to have to do for the rest of my livable life.

Is it immature to think like this? Probably. But I remember being a kid, and having fun. I remember my mom always being around to make sure we had full bellies and clean clothes. I don't want to deprive my future children of that by working for some corporate shmuck who gets a dollar while I get a dime.

My existence is not justified by earning a wage, clocking in and out each day. My existence is justified by the fact I breathe. I am human. I deserve more. Is that so selfish? To think I am more than just a paycheck?

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