
Fed up with husbands job… Kind of want him to quit

Based in the US of course. We got married recently and I took time off from work. My job didn't care because there is a lot of empathy from my bosses and company for these types of things. My new husband unfortunately didn't get a lot of time off. He was given two days before and two days after the wedding. His boss told him that he needed to 'perform better' to get more days off. He is in a management/sales role. His company has been doing poorly across the board and is even thinking about selling itself. In this economy, the only people that are purchasing what he sells, to me, seem to be the wealthy folks.. not your average joes. So he is still pressured to try to hit minimum sales goals for his location even if those under him are not bringing in money and he isn't…

Based in the US of course. We got married recently and I took time off from work. My job didn't care because there is a lot of empathy from my bosses and company for these types of things. My new husband unfortunately didn't get a lot of time off. He was given two days before and two days after the wedding. His boss told him that he needed to 'perform better' to get more days off. He is in a management/sales role. His company has been doing poorly across the board and is even thinking about selling itself. In this economy, the only people that are purchasing what he sells, to me, seem to be the wealthy folks.. not your average joes. So he is still pressured to try to hit minimum sales goals for his location even if those under him are not bringing in money and he isn't as well… or any of the other locations/managers for this business. Another manager was also getting married and had his time off request denied… like my husband he also got just a few days off to get to the wedding and back.

The week before this, it was my birthday and he ended up having to stay late because of work matters.

The week that should have been our honeymoon, he was at work everyday until 8pm (he wakes up at 4:30 on some days). He works 6 days a week, usually 7am to 8pm. Without the 'sales' they simply don't recognize how hard he works and I am sick of it.

This job is robbing him and his colleagues of so much.. a lot of them talk about leaving. He doesn't even have time to look for a new job while employed because he is so busy all the time. At this point I kind of wish he would get fired so he has no choice but to find a new job or a better career. His company doesn't even offer a retirement package. He is on my insurance since his insurance is rather crappy… and damnit, insurance shouldn't be tied to work to begin with!

Quitting won't give us our honeymoon back and nothing can change how torn I feel after he was denied time off for one of the most important events in our life together… but how can we just allow this to continue to happen? Not just us.. so many people in this country just work to live and die. We were denied a small joy that would not have changed the performance of the company in any way.

I am just so tired of the rich getting richer while people on the bottom get stepped on. The rich do not get rich without stealing from the rest of us.


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