
Weird experience yesterday….

I was hired by a staffing agency as a contractor back in August, working at the local utility company. I finished with my work week as normal. Then, at about 6:30 PM I get a call from the staffing agency saying that the 'relationship has ended' (or something, I don't know, I broke down and started crying during the call) and they were terminating my contract. They asked me if I had gotten any feedback from the company and I said yeah, I'd made a few mistakes (transposing some numbers, but it was always caught/corrected – this happened maybe an average of once a day, when I handled no less than 40 bills on any given day, with my highest being 205), but I assumed I would be given a written warning or some other form of discipline before being let go. The only other thing I can think of…

I was hired by a staffing agency as a contractor back in August, working at the local utility company. I finished with my work week as normal. Then, at about 6:30 PM I get a call from the staffing agency saying that the 'relationship has ended' (or something, I don't know, I broke down and started crying during the call) and they were terminating my contract. They asked me if I had gotten any feedback from the company and I said yeah, I'd made a few mistakes (transposing some numbers, but it was always caught/corrected – this happened maybe an average of once a day, when I handled no less than 40 bills on any given day, with my highest being 205), but I assumed I would be given a written warning or some other form of discipline before being let go. The only other thing I can think of that would've been a cause for being let go was I was crying at my desk Wednesday due to personal reasons (wasn't outright sobbing or anything like that, just kind of quietly crying because my mental health is in the toilet). So anyway, the HR lady for the staffing agency I work for tells me she's gonna go forth with communicating with the company for coordinating returning my badge and anything I had at my desk (I had some cute little desk tchotchkes and my phone charging cord, not a huge deal), and not to contact the company itself. Fairly standard, I guess. I kind of just acquiesce to whatever she says because at that point I'd had enough of a shit day/week/month/year. She says she's going to send me an email with more information. A few minutes later I get the email, but it's super weird.

It's sent to my email, but addressed to a different contractor for the same company.

It contains her employment agreement (including – yikes – her entire SSN).

The email started with 'Good afternoon'…despite being sent at 6:35 at night.

So I'm trying to figure out what's going on. I know my on-site boss (the one for the utility company) was on the phone for, like, an hour with her door open. I kind of got a sick feeling in my stomach because I felt guilty for crying at work, and thought that I would be in trouble, but she never actually did anything when I was crying other than hand me tissues and ask if I was okay, and if it was the job. I told her no, because it wasn't. She moved on and everything was okay Thursday and up until I left Friday, and then two hours after I left work I got a call from the staffing agency saying that I had been let go.

So I guess, since I have evidence of another person being let go, we all got let go (there were maybe six of us).

It just sucks.

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