
Can my boss write me up for not showing for inventory but I haven’t been notified I would be?

At my job, we do inventory and we just stay after hours scanning stuff and usually everyone is scheduled for that day, no matter what. We got a new boss and she’s been changing scheduled and pushing back stuff without letting anyone know. Our inventory was suppose to me last week. But it got pushed to tomorrow. The problem is that tomorrow I already had a preplanned trip to another state for a funeral and I didn’t have to request the time off since that’s one my days off. She’s asking me to come in tomorrow and since inventory I have to, no matter what. I don’t plan to come in either way, is the at gonna be a problem?

At my job, we do inventory and we just stay after hours scanning stuff and usually everyone is scheduled for that day, no matter what. We got a new boss and she’s been changing scheduled and pushing back stuff without letting anyone know. Our inventory was suppose to me last week. But it got pushed to tomorrow. The problem is that tomorrow I already had a preplanned trip to another state for a funeral and I didn’t have to request the time off since that’s one my days off. She’s asking me to come in tomorrow and since inventory I have to, no matter what.

I don’t plan to come in either way, is the at gonna be a problem?

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