
Am I being mischaracterized as a 1099 contractor?

In may I took this job as a hotel bartender and I’m a 1099 contractor so nothing is withheld from my check and the owners aren’t paying payroll taxes. I’ve been digging more into this and I do not furnish any of the product or equipment used in the bar. The owner is also demanding that I keep this TV running even if no one is here. I know it’s a historical building so the whole thing is a massive tax write off for them. The hotel doesn’t usually operate at a profit. It’s extremely small, had only 26 rooms and there usually isn’t a lot of business in the bar except for a wealthy neighborhood nearby. I’m in the state of Oklahoma by the way.

In may I took this job as a hotel bartender and I’m a 1099 contractor so nothing is withheld from my check and the owners aren’t paying payroll taxes. I’ve been digging more into this and I do not furnish any of the product or equipment used in the bar. The owner is also demanding that I keep this TV running even if no one is here. I know it’s a historical building so the whole thing is a massive tax write off for them. The hotel doesn’t usually operate at a profit. It’s extremely small, had only 26 rooms and there usually isn’t a lot of business in the bar except for a wealthy neighborhood nearby. I’m in the state of Oklahoma by the way.

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