
Workplace is legit tryna make us work IN a gas leak

I work in a supermarket and the chicken oven (hours after it’s been shut off) wreaks of gas. We’ve noticed it for a while now, and so we keep the overhead fans on, but it’s been pretty mild. We brought it to management’s attention, and they took a little whiff for 1 second and said “that’s nothing, just don’t smoke back there haha” and carried on. Tonight, however, in spite of leaving the fans on, it wreaked so much we could smell it all over the place. The manager comes over and legit goes “I don’t smell anything” – in spite of several of us (everyone else over there) being like overwhelmed by the scent of it. She calls the manager (the one who made the “don’t smoke back there” comment about a week ago when it wasn’t nearly as bad) and he goes “yeah I smelled it the other…

I work in a supermarket and the chicken oven (hours after it’s been shut off) wreaks of gas. We’ve noticed it for a while now, and so we keep the overhead fans on, but it’s been pretty mild. We brought it to management’s attention, and they took a little whiff for 1 second and said “that’s nothing, just don’t smoke back there haha” and carried on.

Tonight, however, in spite of leaving the fans on, it wreaked so much we could smell it all over the place. The manager comes over and legit goes “I don’t smell anything” – in spite of several of us (everyone else over there) being like overwhelmed by the scent of it. She calls the manager (the one who made the “don’t smoke back there” comment about a week ago when it wasn’t nearly as bad) and he goes “yeah I smelled it the other day it’s nothing” – even though I TOLD the manager there tonight that I was bringing it to her attention cuz it’s WAY worse. Then me and another coworker both were getting lightheaded and vertigo working in it. Luckily this is the end of the shift, but I still feel kinda dizzy. I can still smell it on my clothes.

I’m expected to work here all day long in this tomorrow, and I gotta tell ya I’m not feeling that so much. Is there anything I can do to fuck these fuckers over on this one? Where do I report this?

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