
UPDATE: Quit a shitty job to prioritize my family and mental health, and it paid off

For those who haven’t read the first post: Thank you for all of the support I received on my first post. To follow up- I have absolutely no regrets quitting my previous job. Comparing my new job to my old job, the treatment is night and day. My new boss is extremely kind, cares about a healthy work culture, and doesn’t care when I work remotely as opposed to in office. Speaking of the office, they gave me MY OWN office with two big windows that bring in sunlight. This is the first time I’ve worked outside of a cubicle! I now look forward to going into work. My coworkers also greet me warmly and check in on how I am doing. As for my old job- I still have connections who work there. The staff is unrecognizable since so many people have quit. My toxic ex-manager continues being…

For those who haven’t read the first post:

Thank you for all of the support I received on my first post. To follow up- I have absolutely no regrets quitting my previous job.

Comparing my new job to my old job, the treatment is night and day. My new boss is extremely kind, cares about a healthy work culture, and doesn’t care when I work remotely as opposed to in office. Speaking of the office, they gave me MY OWN office with two big windows that bring in sunlight. This is the first time I’ve worked outside of a cubicle! I now look forward to going into work. My coworkers also greet me warmly and check in on how I am doing.

As for my old job- I still have connections who work there. The staff is unrecognizable since so many people have quit. My toxic ex-manager continues being an ass, but i’ve heard nowadays he looks extremely stressed and burnt out. Probably from having to hire a new team and train them during a “peak period”. HIS boss’s boss has invited me out to coffee for a “chat”. Probably to figure out why everything is in shambles. Not my problem any more.

Unfortunately, my grandmother has since passed away. I was able to spend time with her and give my final goodbyes. I’m so grateful how supportive my new job was when she passed last month- without even questioning they let me take time off to mourn and covered all of my work while I was gone. I absolutely made the right choice in spending time with her during her final weeks after quitting, that is something I will cherish forever. She helped raise me as a child, I considered her a parent.

Sometimes the universe has a funny way of opening doors. I’m glad the door shut on my last job so I could find this one. If you are in a toxic workplace and have the ability to leave, just do it. They won’t care about you when you leave. But you will care about the better opportunities presented to you afterwards, and your mental health will thank you for it.

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