
Got let go, screwed on severance – how can I stick it to them?

Throwaway for obvious reasons ​ Anyway, I was let go from my IT position two weeks ago. Was told “poor performance” in the video call. This despite having no previous poor reviews, no one on ones since May, and no actual manager between May and about a month ago. Having talked to my previous manager (who was let go with the same thing cited), and hearing about others who were let go the same day, it's becoming obvious that this was a round of layoffs poorly disguised in an attempt to not pay any severance. Here's the kicker. From late-2021 onwards, I have been living outside the US, in a country where the company has no legal presence. I have been getting paid as an employee, not a contractor that entire time. I'm hoping someone smarter than I am here knows of a way I can use this to bite…

Throwaway for obvious reasons

Anyway, I was let go from my IT position two weeks ago. Was told “poor performance” in the video call. This despite having no previous poor reviews, no one on ones since May, and no actual manager between May and about a month ago. Having talked to my previous manager (who was let go with the same thing cited), and hearing about others who were let go the same day, it's becoming obvious that this was a round of layoffs poorly disguised in an attempt to not pay any severance.

Here's the kicker. From late-2021 onwards, I have been living outside the US, in a country where the company has no legal presence. I have been getting paid as an employee, not a contractor that entire time. I'm hoping someone smarter than I am here knows of a way I can use this to bite THEM in the ass without feeling any pain myself. Thanks!

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