
I quit my job at Dollar General a few months ago. Here’s why.

For the few that saw my post about Dollar General being awful a bit ago may remember how I feel about the place. Currently, in my eyes, it is one of the worst places you could ever work in. And yes, I've heard the horror stories of other places. Spectrum, Home Depot, Lowe's, etc. But I can say, with full confidence, that I'd rather work for any of those places than go back to Dollar General. I'd much rather go homeless. So anyways, here's why I left. It's the usual thing involving putting in your two week notice. Not getting enough hours, pay is bad, just in general not being in a good mental spot. My manager (great dude) understood, even said that he was surprised it took this long for me to do so. I already had a job lined up at a gas station I had worked at…

For the few that saw my post about Dollar General being awful a bit ago may remember how I feel about the place. Currently, in my eyes, it is one of the worst places you could ever work in. And yes, I've heard the horror stories of other places. Spectrum, Home Depot, Lowe's, etc. But I can say, with full confidence, that I'd rather work for any of those places than go back to Dollar General. I'd much rather go homeless.

So anyways, here's why I left.

It's the usual thing involving putting in your two week notice. Not getting enough hours, pay is bad, just in general not being in a good mental spot. My manager (great dude) understood, even said that he was surprised it took this long for me to do so. I already had a job lined up at a gas station I had worked at before (which is where I currently reside).

Fast forward about a week into my notice, I get a message from my manager asking if I would be up to come in about five hours early to my shift that day (I was scheduled 6:30pm-10:30pm iirc). I didn't have anything better to do, so I said fuck it and went in. No special job or anything, just work the register so that he and the ASM (Assistant Manager) could work on some of the other things in the store.

About an hour in I look through my bag to take my medication (for a mental issue that I won't disclose here). Then I realize something that made my heart sink.

I had none of my pills. I had run out and I didn't even realize it.

The pills that kept me sane and grounded in reality.

I went into panic mode, as you may have guessed. Without my medication I am heavily unstable mentally. As a side note, never let your meds run out before getting them refilled. I know that on some days you'll feel lazy and say “eh I'll refill them tomorrow-” don't. Go and get them as soon as possible. You don't wanna deal with the withdrawal.

Anyways, immediately I grabbed my manager and brought him into the break room, where the schedule is posted. The pharmacy that supplied my meds was in the next town over, about a 20 min drive there and back. Including the wait time for the refill, it would probably take me around an hour if I didn't take any unnecessary detours or run into any trouble. I had figured that since he had called me in five hours before my actual scheduled shift, that I could clock out, go get the refill, then come right back.

Not to mention, at Dollar General, when you have a shift that's over eight hours, you are given an hour break to take sometime during that shift. Could just use the hour break for this.

Immediately, he responds with “Alright, I'll get someone to cover your shifts for the rest of the week then.” Then tries to walk off. I ask him why and he says that if I do go because of this, it'll be considered a walk out.

I did not understand why. I was floored by this information. I hesitated and he walked off. Shortly after I went back to work for another hour. During that time I messaged my now current manager at my current job asking about the earliest I could start the job. She told me I could start working just a couple of days later.

So I put my badge on the manager's desk, clocked out, and walked away. Didn't look back for a second.

Before I end the post I want to defend my manager and his actions here. He is an amazing guy and one of the best managers I've ever had. He is someone that absolutely cares for his employees and empathized with many of our issues and worries involving the store. Chances are, he was stressed, having the company breathe down his neck for whatever reason, something was broken, or even a mixture of the three. I was a bit pissed in the moment but I quickly cooled off and we're chill now.

Only use Dollar General as a last resort. Anywhere else is better. I was making 11.25/hr and getting 20-25 hours a week as a Shift Closer.

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