
Got let go very quickly earlier this year while I still had work-owned electronics at home.

They’ve paid me everything they owed me. It’s a tablet and a wireless hotspot. I call it a severance package lol. However, some questions do arise: Do yall think they track these gps-wise? And if I use the internet provided by the hotspot, can they identify directly or indirectly (via the carried) me via IP address? Should I just factory reset both? Any constructive input is appreciated.

They’ve paid me everything they owed me. It’s a tablet and a wireless hotspot. I call it a severance package lol. However, some questions do arise: Do yall think they track these gps-wise? And if I use the internet provided by the hotspot, can they identify directly or indirectly (via the carried) me via IP address? Should I just factory reset both?
Any constructive input is appreciated.

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