
i need some advice..

so i’ve been working as a CNA at my local hospital for 5 months now (it’s draining, the pay is shit, and the hours are ass) i also just recently got a retail job at the beginning of september to help make it so i’m not paycheck to paycheck each month. it turns out i just got an amazing opportunity at a medical office that pays more and will help me further my career goals but it requires me to leave both of my current jobs as the hours leave no time for a second job. My last job was super stress free when i put in my two weeks notice but i knew the manager well and he was rooting for me career wise. I am SUPER nervous about putting in my two weeks at these jobs and then being looked down upon/ treated differently for leaving in such…

so i’ve been working as a CNA at my local hospital for 5 months now (it’s draining, the pay is shit, and the hours are ass) i also just recently got a retail job at the beginning of september to help make it so i’m not paycheck to paycheck each month. it turns out i just got an amazing opportunity at a medical office that pays more and will help me further my career goals but it requires me to leave both of my current jobs as the hours leave no time for a second job. My last job was super stress free when i put in my two weeks notice but i knew the manager well and he was rooting for me career wise. I am SUPER nervous about putting in my two weeks at these jobs and then being looked down upon/ treated differently for leaving in such a short time span. Any advice on what to say/do when leaving these jobs?

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