
Government pays worse than most private sector jobs in my area and this is sort of ironic…

I was browsing indeed for about 30 minutes, looking at different jobs to apply and one thing I noticed was how many companies offer over 15/hr in my area where min wage is still 7.25, some noticeable ones were Amazon at 18-20/hr, FedX at roughly 20-21/hr and many others at 16-18 range and similar pay in the receptionist/secretary positions. Then I saw a number of jobs working for the city/court/gvmt and some seemed like serious positions too, starting mostly at 12 dollars with the highest I found at 14. I feel like the private sector is catching on to the social changes happening around us and the talk about raising the minimum wage but the government is still bound by the minimum wage and cannot go very much above it due its existence. It almost makes me think that some of the people who advocate for abolishing the minimum wage…

I was browsing indeed for about 30 minutes, looking at different jobs to apply and one thing I noticed was how many companies offer over 15/hr in my area where min wage is still 7.25, some noticeable ones were Amazon at 18-20/hr, FedX at roughly 20-21/hr and many others at 16-18 range and similar pay in the receptionist/secretary positions.

Then I saw a number of jobs working for the city/court/gvmt and some seemed like serious positions too, starting mostly at 12 dollars with the highest I found at 14.

I feel like the private sector is catching on to the social changes happening around us and the talk about raising the minimum wage but the government is still bound by the minimum wage and cannot go very much above it due its existence.

It almost makes me think that some of the people who advocate for abolishing the minimum wage are on to something. It seems that without a minimum wage, the public sector will start having to pay more to compete with private. I could be wrong but it just seems that way, not to mention most gvmt jobs have a lot more hoops to jump through, usually always mandatory drug testing and other things.

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