
Racism that I have faced in the workplace.

This happened in 2022 in Utah, USA. I was working for a company for 4 years. It was a part-time job to pay my bills. Of those 4 years of working, I had 3 years and 6 months of awesome time with a boss who was not racist, gave me plenty of breaks, and every month, he would throw a party while all the employees were getting paid for a few hours. He retired. When he retired, we got a new boss/supervisor. She is a white woman in her 50s. I thought my work culture would be the same, but I was wrong. While working with her, she would call me “Ming”. Ming is not my name. I tried correcting her multiple times that Ming is not my name, yet she persisted and would also call me that I am lazy. When I asked her why I am lazy, she…

This happened in 2022 in Utah, USA. I was working for a company for 4 years. It was a part-time job to pay my bills. Of those 4 years of working, I had 3 years and 6 months of awesome time with a boss who was not racist, gave me plenty of breaks, and every month, he would throw a party while all the employees were getting paid for a few hours. He retired.

When he retired, we got a new boss/supervisor. She is a white woman in her 50s. I thought my work culture would be the same, but I was wrong. While working with her, she would call me “Ming”. Ming is not my name. I tried correcting her multiple times that Ming is not my name, yet she persisted and would also call me that I am lazy. When I asked her why I am lazy, she said that I was working with her during the 4th of July, and I was sitting my ass off, and refused to work. I did not work during the 4th of July. So I figured she was confused with another Asian worker, and told her that I am not the same Asian, and told her that I did not even work during the 4th of July. However, she refused to believe my story, saying that I am just bringing excuses after excuses. I was mad, so I contacted HR about her racist behavior.

When I contacted HR, HR did an internal investigation, and later they told me that I am just overreacting. HR told me that her work place has multiple black and Hispanic employees, and those employees have never had a problem.

When I returned to the workplace, my boss was mad because she had to take a couple of hours talking with HR. She told me that I am being racist, and she fired me. Turn out in my fucking red state, it is okay to fire a part-time employee without warning, or anything like that.

I hate my ethnicity, and race. I just hate how in the workplace when educating new employees to report any type of discrimination, but actually get fired for it when they actually report it.

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