
Hello remote worker of the pandemic variety..

I am 38 YO husband for 15+years and father of 2 girls. This leads to me also being personal mechanic, lawn boy, general contractor, therapist, place to dump any worries anyone has, daily chef, errand runner.. I jump and do nearly everyrhing asked of me by my family. Im so overwhelmed and stressed. I work a full time job glued to the computer for 10hr a day. Im so sick and tired of giving all my effort to my job that i have nothing left in means of focus or mental energy to be a part of and actually give me to my family. I feel underpaid. Overworked. Underappreciated. Stuck on a failing project at no fault of my own, im just the one who can fix anything. . Theres no light. No retirement in site. I cant affors a nice car, food, clothes, and live paycheck to paycheck. Sadly…

I am 38 YO husband for 15+years and father of 2 girls. This leads to me also being personal mechanic, lawn boy, general contractor, therapist, place to dump any worries anyone has, daily chef, errand runner.. I jump and do nearly everyrhing asked of me by my family. Im so overwhelmed and stressed. I work a full time job glued to the computer for 10hr a day. Im so sick and tired of giving all my effort to my job that i have nothing left in means of focus or mental energy to be a part of and actually give me to my family.

I feel underpaid. Overworked. Underappreciated. Stuck on a failing project at no fault of my own, im just the one who can fix anything. .

Theres no light. No retirement in site. I cant affors a nice car, food, clothes, and live paycheck to paycheck. Sadly this is the most ive ever made sitting in at 27/hr. . Im so burnt out depressed and just not looking to slave away for next 50+ years just to provide.

I want to live now. I want to go to the park and play woth my kids. Or ride bikes woth them. Show them therea more to life than work. But i have a long list of shit to do that nothing seems possible.

I want to quit my job. My wife doesnt work and doesnt plan to. How am i supposed to survive. I really dont mind working, but doesnt change thst im burnt out.

Is my option to just keep grinding away at work and forget about my dreams of being anything but a slave to my corporation?

Im losong sleep over this and somehow have to find a way through above or around my chaos.

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