
Dear customers,

You are not always right. As a matter of fact, most times you’re wrong. And just an asshole. People in customer service jobs are not your servant. They’re doing a job. Let them do it. You don’t know how their job is so don’t pretend like you do so you can hold it over their head like you’re better than them. Sincerely, A socially awkward person who would never go out of their way to make someone’s job/life harder than what it is.

You are not always right. As a matter of fact, most times you’re wrong. And just an asshole. People in customer service jobs are not your servant. They’re doing a job. Let them do it. You don’t know how their job is so don’t pretend like you do so you can hold it over their head like you’re better than them.


A socially awkward person who would never go out of their way to make someone’s job/life harder than what it is.

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