
I hardly do anything

Apologies for formatting, on mobile. So I hardly do anything at my job. I work from home 2 days a week and in the office for 3. The man I work under is an older man who likes to do everything himself and then moan about how busy he is, we share an inbox so half the time when I try to do anything we will double up on the emails etc. So I've given up, I'll only do what he tells me to do, so half the time I'm doing absolutely nothing. It's ok at home as I can do housework and watch TV etc, but in the office it's so damn boring! I'm going to try stick it out a bit longer as I know in a sense I am quite lucky but honestly it is draining

Apologies for formatting, on mobile.

So I hardly do anything at my job. I work from home 2 days a week and in the office for 3.

The man I work under is an older man who likes to do everything himself and then moan about how busy he is, we share an inbox so half the time when I try to do anything we will double up on the emails etc.

So I've given up, I'll only do what he tells me to do, so half the time I'm doing absolutely nothing. It's ok at home as I can do housework and watch TV etc, but in the office it's so damn boring!

I'm going to try stick it out a bit longer as I know in a sense I am quite lucky but honestly it is draining

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