
Work training states “Relationships are fragile.”

Why do we have to be responsible for making sure we don't ruin work relationships? Why is it culturally OK to walk on egg shells to make sure we preserve relationships? Why can't we promote having meaningful relationships with anyone, not just the people who can “pass the vibe check?” Shouldn't we focus more on accountability, acceptance, and inclusion, rather than emotional management and conflict resolution? I feel like it's common and acceptable to judge other's superficially (like when they say “first impressions matter”) and trying to manage the conflicts and emotions caused by this is only trying to work around the fact that's superficial judging is a problem. Like for example, in the case of “gender pronouns” the problem isn't the idea of gender pronouns, or the emotions and conflicts it's causing. The problem is the quick judgements we are allowing ourselves to make about every aspect of the…

Why do we have to be responsible for making sure we don't ruin work relationships? Why is it culturally OK to walk on egg shells to make sure we preserve relationships? Why can't we promote having meaningful relationships with anyone, not just the people who can “pass the vibe check?”

Shouldn't we focus more on accountability, acceptance, and inclusion, rather than emotional management and conflict resolution?

I feel like it's common and acceptable to judge other's superficially (like when they say “first impressions matter”) and trying to manage the conflicts and emotions caused by this is only trying to work around the fact that's superficial judging is a problem.

Like for example, in the case of “gender pronouns” the problem isn't the idea of gender pronouns, or the emotions and conflicts it's causing. The problem is the quick judgements we are allowing ourselves to make about every aspect of the situation to settle the issue in our minds: “they're too sensitive,” “he's a bigot,” “this is not a priority.” These quick judgements don't actually allow anyone to understand what the true issue is, and a misunderstood issue only festers until it blows up out of proportion.

We need to find ways to stop making us rely on “gut feelings” and “common sense.” In this age of globalism, we are more likely than ever before to come into contact with people who come from different culture/social backgrounds and we are more likely to misunderstand each other. Learning to “stay cool under pressure” only works when the pressure is applied slow and steady. Misunderstandings seem to happen so often now that the pressure is heavy and applied quickly and often.

Like I don't know the solution to this problem, but I feel like it NEEDS a solution. How do we teach people not to judge quickly? Or what tools do we create to help people judge more slowly in social situations and judge more accurately in imminent danger situations.

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