
UPDATE: Coworker is trying to micromanage me despite being a hypocrite

For context, read the first post here: So, today at the office I was messaged by my supervisor telling me that they caught me using my phone and asked me whether there was a “better use of my time”. This came out of the blue as this was the first message they ever sent me. I suspect that my coworker decided to tell our supervisor that they caught me using my phone and that they should keep an eye on me today. What’s funny is that they messaged my other coworkers asking if I could help them with anything, but they either were already finished with their work, or are working on projects that I am not skilled for, and they didn’t message anything after that lol. And to make matters worse, they’re now having our entire team sign a no cell phone policy even though we’ve just had…

For context, read the first post here:

So, today at the office I was messaged by my supervisor telling me that they caught me using my phone and asked me whether there was a “better use of my time”. This came out of the blue as this was the first message they ever sent me. I suspect that my coworker decided to tell our supervisor that they caught me using my phone and that they should keep an eye on me today. What’s funny is that they messaged my other coworkers asking if I could help them with anything, but they either were already finished with their work, or are working on projects that I am not skilled for, and they didn’t message anything after that lol.

And to make matters worse, they’re now having our entire team sign a no cell phone policy even though we’ve just had one of our most productive months (according to them) and my coworker and supervisor are complete hypocrites who are always using their phones!

I would not be surprised at all if they bring this up in the next team meeting and single me out to make me the enemy. My supervisor will probably try to bring it up by making a cringe joke like they always do (which no one finds funny but we all pretend to laugh).

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