
What are your thoughts

I had an interesting conversation with a guy a lot smarter than me. We where discussing how things in the work world have gotten so bad and I believe he made a really good point. We have maxed out with our technology and are stuck. Price for commodities like oil,wheat,metal etc.are as cheap as they can possibly get them we are at a point in history where there is absolutely not way to extort more profits from anything but labor. With big companies having to be in a constant growth mode the businesses go at labor cutting staff, benefits, pay, etc. its the only thing left on the table at this point to extract profits. How much is to much? When companies destroy the customer economy what happens then? Interesting thought non the less, what are your thoughts.

I had an interesting conversation with a guy a lot smarter than me. We where discussing how things in the work world have gotten so bad and I believe he made a really good point.

We have maxed out with our technology and are stuck. Price for commodities like oil,wheat,metal etc.are as cheap as they can possibly get them we are at a point in history where there is absolutely not way to extort more profits from anything but labor.

With big companies having to be in a constant growth mode the businesses go at labor cutting staff, benefits, pay, etc. its the only thing left on the table at this point to extract profits.

How much is to much? When companies destroy the customer economy what happens then?

Interesting thought non the less, what are your thoughts.

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