
Turning down a job, hooking up, and dodging a bullet.

So last year I was desperate for a job. I applied all over the place and landed an interview with a package delivery company.(Job#1) I went to the interview which went well. It wasn't a job I wanted but I had to pay the bills. During the interview they told me that after working all day as a driver that I would need to come back to the warehouse and keep working for another hour sorting out boxes. I thought “What a miserable job this must be. Working all day in the snow or rain delivering and lifting boxes and hurrying up to not be late etc.” A couple of days later I got the call that I was accepted for Job#1. I was to report in 1 week on Monday. I really didn't want the job but I was desperate. Meanwhile another job that I had interviewed for, that…

So last year I was desperate for a job. I applied all over the place and landed an interview with a package delivery company.(Job#1) I went to the interview which went well. It wasn't a job I wanted but I had to pay the bills. During the interview they told me that after working all day as a driver that I would need to come back to the warehouse and keep working for another hour sorting out boxes. I thought “What a miserable job this must be. Working all day in the snow or rain delivering and lifting boxes and hurrying up to not be late etc.”

A couple of days later I got the call that I was accepted for Job#1. I was to report in 1 week on Monday. I really didn't want the job but I was desperate. Meanwhile another job that I had interviewed for, that I really wanted, called me up and said I got it.(Job#2) They said that I was set to start in two weeks. Just one week later after starting Job#1.

I was caught between coming in for a miserable job or waiting a week and starting the job that I was really looking forward to. I thought about it all week and the dread kept building up within me in regards to working at Job#1. “Should I start Job#1 only to quit a week later because the other job was already starting? What if the second job fell through?”

Well, when Friday came before I was start at Job#1 on Monday, I called the Job#2's manager with a pretex about some paperwork and confirmed my starting date. He confirmed that I was to start in two weeks and that all the paperwork was cleared etc. I then called the hiring manager from Job#1 around lunch time, got their voicemail and said that I wouldn't be coming in due to a better opportunity coming up. Click.

I started my new Job#2 two weeks later and have been happy and working there since.

Last week I was on a hooking up app and met this guy who I invited over to my house. I was standing in my porch when he got out of the car. He was hobbling, limping, and and with his arm pressed against his side and was obviously in total pain.

Me: “Dude. What they hell is wrong? Do you need an ambulance?”

Dude: “Nah man. It's all good. I had a box fall on me during work and I'm off for a few days until I get better.”

Me: “Where do you work?”

Dude: “Job#1.”

Me: “Dude. Go home and get a lawyer.”

Dude: “I'll be all right. It's all good.”

The dude went home. I felt so bad for the guy. I hope he's OK. I am so glad I did not take Job#1.

I dodged a bullet.

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