
The Private Sector has broken me

I started a job in the “Public Sector” about 1.5 yrs ago. For the first time in my life I have an job with a great boss, good pay, benefits and a schedule that lets me spend more time with my kids. Prior to that I worked for private businesses. I was worked to the bone for minimal pay and watched as others benefited and built themselves up. I sat down with my boss yesterday for a 1 on 1 and she reiterated how I shouldn't ever hesitate to let her know when things with the kids come up and I need to either take the day or work from home. And almost like she was psychic or a witch or something, my oldest is sick this morning. It's been less than 24 hours since that conversation and I've been so broken by previous employers that I am filled with…

I started a job in the “Public Sector” about 1.5 yrs ago. For the first time in my life I have an job with a great boss, good pay, benefits and a schedule that lets me spend more time with my kids. Prior to that I worked for private businesses. I was worked to the bone for minimal pay and watched as others benefited and built themselves up.

I sat down with my boss yesterday for a 1 on 1 and she reiterated how I shouldn't ever hesitate to let her know when things with the kids come up and I need to either take the day or work from home. And almost like she was psychic or a witch or something, my oldest is sick this morning. It's been less than 24 hours since that conversation and I've been so broken by previous employers that I am filled with so much guilt about picking up the phone and calling my boss to tell her that my kid is literally spewing from both ends.

Why? Why do I feel like 'taking advantage of this opportunity' will be viewed as me 'taking advantage”? They really did instill absolute fear into the workers, didn't they? Damn it. How do I make these feelings go away?

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