
My coworker is upset with me because of something he did to himself.

So, I work as a teller for a credit union. It's a small branch with 5 employees and 700 members. This is a key component here. Being under 15 employees makes them exempt from a lot of things that would protect or help employees like FMLA. 3 tellers, head loan officer, and a CEO. The head loan officer is a self proclaimed “Alpha male”. His famous quote is “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” Let's give a bit of background. Regardless about a month ago him and I had a misunderstanding. He taught me something to help with work but didn't tell me I can't do it without someone watching to make sure it's correct. So when I went to do it and needed it fixed my CEO wasn't mad but she wasn't happy. So unfortunately I said “well if I am not supposed to do this let alone know how…

So, I work as a teller for a credit union. It's a small branch with 5 employees and 700 members. This is a key component here. Being under 15 employees makes them exempt from a lot of things that would protect or help employees like FMLA.

3 tellers, head loan officer, and a CEO.

The head loan officer is a self proclaimed “Alpha male”. His famous quote is “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” Let's give a bit of background.

Regardless about a month ago him and I had a misunderstanding. He taught me something to help with work but didn't tell me I can't do it without someone watching to make sure it's correct. So when I went to do it and needed it fixed my CEO wasn't mad but she wasn't happy.

So unfortunately I said “well if I am not supposed to do this let alone know how to you should talk to the person who showed me and didn't say I couldn't do it without supervision.”

This made my CEO back off of me because she views him like a brother so she won't get upset with him over something that small as it was just needing to inform me properly. I'm new I don't know all the common knowledge stuff they have for running the place. A basic misunderstanding that became personal.

He became very offended and tried to lie his way out of it saying he never showed and I pointed out step by step how he explained it to me. Being he has a specific way of talking (not accents he just has a broad vocabulary and uses fancy words for basic things) he relented and tried to back track saying “yes but you need supervision”

To which I replied he should have said so back then and all I ask is he is more specific with this stuff because I do more complex things on a regular basis and assumed I was safe to do this as I had been for a week at that point. He continued to act offended and I pointed out this was minor and he already threw me under the bus twice (technically 3 times) and all I was asking was for better communication before problems arise like the CEO going after me.

Fast forward to now he has effectively put me on a shit list. Something someone complained about at my first month there he finally told CEO about so now I am penalized and said if they looked at the camera pointing at my desk they would have seen I was folding statements, nothing else. He had Ammo so I get in trouble. Thought retaliation was over, nope.

This week he had stacks of files for me to put away but said nothing so I was supposed to look at his desk and know which piles were for me to file and that they were ready. They said because CEO said it was my job almost 3 weeks ago I should know to check his desk. The files weren't there originally they were closer to the filing cabinets and he has constant piles of paperwork on his desk so I'm at fault.

He insinuated I am a liar and stealing when our head teller asked about why I needed more money for my drawer. (I had several big withdrawals that morning) and he said “she said she needed money and I believed her.” He said it was my prerogative to not learn any more because of this one situation that got slightly heated. We don't have a HR and there isn't a policy about retaliation.

I need to get out but I only recently got this job and can't afford to leave. I want to stay at least a year but I'm worried he may try something that could ruin my chances and employment in multiple places.

What options do I have. I live in Pennsylvania USA

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