
Should I give any indication/notice beyond 2 weeks?

I am an accountant/analyst, with over two years with my current company. I am heavily leaning towards giving notice on Monday without having another job lined up. For record, my finances are good, I have gotten 5-6 interviews lined up for Controller roles in a only week and a half after updating my resume, and our year-end financial prep and audit is begining (September year end). For background, my former colleague left for a better opportunity elsewhere back at the start of May, and I was offered the “promotion” into his analyst role. Prior to his leaving, we had both attempted to negotiate higher salaries considering our efforts and the job market. They didn't meet his demands, so he left, and I accepted the promotion as it genuinely was a step up and landed me at my desired salary. However, before I accepted, I laid out several stipulations including providing…

I am an accountant/analyst, with over two years with my current company. I am heavily leaning towards giving notice on Monday without having another job lined up. For record, my finances are good, I have gotten 5-6 interviews lined up for Controller roles in a only week and a half after updating my resume, and our year-end financial prep and audit is begining (September year end).

For background, my former colleague left for a better opportunity elsewhere back at the start of May, and I was offered the “promotion” into his analyst role. Prior to his leaving, we had both attempted to negotiate higher salaries considering our efforts and the job market. They didn't meet his demands, so he left, and I accepted the promotion as it genuinely was a step up and landed me at my desired salary. However, before I accepted, I laid out several stipulations including providing me with the resources I need to succeed, specifically hiring someone quickly and solid communication.

Fast forward to today (5+ months), I have successfully led the 2024 budgeting of a $250M company and preparing monthly financials, all while simultaneously doing a significant portion of my previous accounting role. I was 100% not expecting to have to do the year-end and audit grind, and is unfair to ask this if me after all of the effort and sick days not taken so that we could keep things moving to this point. According to my boss (CFO now turned President with the CEO retiring, he's been with the company 6-7 months), it's hard to find accountants and haven't found the right fit, which to be fair we have had some bad candidates. By all measures, I just want out and deserve to be out of this stressful mess, and they are going to have to deal with the repercussion.

My issue with not giving more time, is that I genuinely enjoyed and cared about this place before all the turnover (yes, I understand the indications here), and there are still people there who I care about and don't want to get stuck with the short end of the stick, as my leaving takes a massive amount of knowledge and insight that would take at least year to recoup.

Should I just give my notice Monday? Should I wait until I have something else lined up? I pretty much already know the answer, but I am trying to block out the previous generations installment of putting the company first/not burning bridges.

TLDR: Crap work environment, taken advantage of, but genuinely care for colleagues and what will happen.

Sorry for the long read, and I appreciate any sentiment and push to just take care of me.

Edit: I will also add that when I asked for a raise before my colleague left, I was told that my role wasn't of the level for that pay scale. Fast forward, I overheard an offer to someone that would pay more than my CURRENT salary after promotion, for my old position. Had she accepted, i essentially would have been making less than the person I was to be training…

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