
My coworkers smell so bad it makes working here extremely uncomfortable

I work for a small business (so no HR in sight). I have two coworkers who reek. I mean holding my breath whenever I speak to them or even get near them. It is horrendous. I work in the office while they work in the garage most of the time but I have to interact with them often. One coworker smells like he has no idea what a toothbrush is. From the time that he gets in to the time he does home his mouth smells like he is slowly decaying from the inside out. Could it possibly be medical? Maybe? But this man also never washes his hands (I know because I sit 5 feet from the employee bathroom and never hear the facet run after the toilet flushes). I think it may just be poor hygiene. This man is 35 years old. It is so hard to have…

I work for a small business (so no HR in sight). I have two coworkers who reek. I mean holding my breath whenever I speak to them or even get near them. It is horrendous. I work in the office while they work in the garage most of the time but I have to interact with them often. One coworker smells like he has no idea what a toothbrush is. From the time that he gets in to the time he does home his mouth smells like he is slowly decaying from the inside out. Could it possibly be medical? Maybe? But this man also never washes his hands (I know because I sit 5 feet from the employee bathroom and never hear the facet run after the toilet flushes). I think it may just be poor hygiene. This man is 35 years old. It is so hard to have any conversation with him if I am not standing at least 5 feet from him. The second one does not wear deodorant. This is definitely a cultural thing which I get but man it has made the summer in this office brutal. I am looking for another job.

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