Hey all, I spent six years working for a small-medium behavioral health company as the IT / Software Dev guy. I wrote all of the software, managed it, and all the data collected from the systems I wrote. All the payroll, billing to insurance…everything…I quit a few weeks ago after the owner had another blow-up in my face after I said we couldn't rewrite 60,000 lines of code for no other reason than he wants people he hires to be able to read it? I don't even know what that means, but yeah. I also left because the owner kept promising he'd pay market value for a dev but told me he couldn't afford it, and even if he could, he wouldn't keep me around very long because I'd be too expensive. Six months later, he hired someone as a COO (a nurse, no COO background) for $137,000 a year (He paid me $28 /hr). Here's my review so far; how bad is it?
The benefits aren't good. The owner himself won't use our benefits. There is a lot of disorganization and corner-cutting. I can't recommend it if you want to work in the IT department. They will not pay you anywhere near market value and make a lot of false promises that will never come true. You will not have a job description, and with the micro-management and disorganization, projects will never be completed. You will be lied to about raises while they hire individuals with six-figure salaries, and any promotions / new positions will be taken and given to someone else. Any opinions you have that they disagree with will get you a meeting with the possibility of having someone in your face yelling at you or bringing in outsiders who don't technically work for the company to be in attendance at these meetings. Employees will ask you for help, and after doing so, management may come in and undo anything you did to assist. It won't matter how much experience you have; management will literally try to do your job that they aren't qualified for. The owner also told me that the systems I made (everything he asked for and with his approval) sucked, and the employees hated it.