
I hate how ignorance and incompetence is rewarded.

This spans multiple prior workplaces, they were all retail. Nobody else could be bothered to learn how to do things properly, so half my shift was spent solving problems elsewhere. At first it was a bit flattering but them it became extremely frustrating. Common sense seems to be just fucking out the window in favor of stupid power trips that I had to clean up after. For example, a self-checkout operator kicking people out to a regular register because they had 20 items. The sign says “about 15” and there are 5 other self-checkout machines that are empty. Why the fuck are you kicking them out? Why don't you use a little tact when interacting with people? Why is it that I was the person called up for anything and everything unusual or technical? Can somebody else not place a phone call and follow instructions over the phone that we're…

This spans multiple prior workplaces, they were all retail.

Nobody else could be bothered to learn how to do things properly, so half my shift was spent solving problems elsewhere. At first it was a bit flattering but them it became extremely frustrating. Common sense seems to be just fucking out the window in favor of stupid power trips that I had to clean up after. For example, a self-checkout operator kicking people out to a regular register because they had 20 items. The sign says “about 15” and there are 5 other self-checkout machines that are empty. Why the fuck are you kicking them out? Why don't you use a little tact when interacting with people?

Why is it that I was the person called up for anything and everything unusual or technical? Can somebody else not place a phone call and follow instructions over the phone that we're required to do regardless of who is doing it?

Yes, assistant manager, please tell me more about a minor mistake I made while trying to cover 3 positions all while you're intentionally not getting recertified for money services so you don't have to do them! Oh, you're intentionally being an asshole on the phone whenever somebody calls out? Maybe the reason turnover is higher since you started working is because you're an asshole?

Oh, fellow worker, I didn't realize you don't know how to do this task that you taught me how to do when I started. I'll be sure to do it for you!

Department manager, why is it that you're telling me about how inventory will need us to cut down our orders almost a month before inventory? Do you really want to cut down the entire department and run holes for a month for each quarter even though we will sell through what we regularly order within 2 or 3 days? Why are you telling me we need to cut down on shrink when 99% of the shrink is you ordering two weeks worth of 15-day perishable product from a vendor that delivers 3 times a week? Does it not seem weird to you to stale out over 100 units of a single item that nobody else is allowed to order and then message them all about it?

This shit is why I take my breaks and only work as hard as I feel like. I still work hard, but I do it for my own satisfaction only.

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