
Having to stay in my current toxic job because I haven’t received better offers yet is the worst feeling.

I'm a little over a year old into this job and I've been wanting to leave for a couple months now. Earlier this year I was very unsure that I would be regularized after my 6th month mark, so I started applying elsewhere. I got two interviews in good places, but I turned them down because shortly after I got these interviews I was promoted into my current job. Now, I regret making that decision. I shouldn't have waited for things to get better. Like many people working in their first job, I was fooled and tricked by the higher paycheck a promotion offered. I let the feeling of financial stability cloud my judgement and put the rose colored glasses back on my face. Things didn't get better and now that I'm trying to apply to every place that I could work at, it's so hard to get interviews or…

I'm a little over a year old into this job and I've been wanting to leave for a couple months now. Earlier this year I was very unsure that I would be regularized after my 6th month mark, so I started applying elsewhere. I got two interviews in good places, but I turned them down because shortly after I got these interviews I was promoted into my current job.

Now, I regret making that decision. I shouldn't have waited for things to get better. Like many people working in their first job, I was fooled and tricked by the higher paycheck a promotion offered. I let the feeling of financial stability cloud my judgement and put the rose colored glasses back on my face. Things didn't get better and now that I'm trying to apply to every place that I could work at, it's so hard to get interviews or even a reply back from the employers.

I've tried updating my resume and everything but no luck. I've only gotten 1 interview since I started a couple months ago and I can't even take the job because it's way too far from my place and it would be hell to go to everyday. I don't know what happened to cause the job market to be this tough in less than a year, but I'm definitely feeling the challenge.

Now, I'm forced to keep going to this toxic job because I can't afford to leave without a backup plan. As badly as I want to leave I can't just jump ship because I need funds to live. It's so degrading and humiliating. I know I'm skilled and have what it takes, but the feeling of rejection and ghosting is so demoralizing.

Is anyone else experiencing this now or have experienced it? I'm trying my best to keep applying and having hope, but I'm worried I'm going to be stuck in this toxic hellhole until I break.

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