
My happiness depends on how much I make, why?

They say money can't buy happiness, but it seems like money is the solution for majority of the people. Having finical stability in life gives a sense of relief and willingness to make more money. But working dead end jobs and looking at your paycheck, it feels very discouraging and you sorta lose the willpower or hunger to strive for success. Internally you feel like wanting to make more money but idk I guess maybe I'm just going thru a bad phase, I guess things will get better if I finish college and find a better paying job. Networking, is good but it's not overnight magic fulfillment wish that automatically happens. Honestly, I'm regretting how late I started workforce but having to work dead end jobs because of lack experience is overwhelming. Seeing your peers and people you know working a good job and able to take weekend offs. But…

They say money can't buy happiness, but it seems like money is the solution for majority of the people. Having finical stability in life gives a sense of relief and willingness to make more money. But working dead end jobs and looking at your paycheck, it feels very discouraging and you sorta lose the willpower or hunger to strive for success. Internally you feel like wanting to make more money but idk I guess maybe I'm just going thru a bad phase, I guess things will get better if I finish college and find a better paying job. Networking, is good but it's not overnight magic fulfillment wish that automatically happens. Honestly, I'm regretting how late I started workforce but having to work dead end jobs because of lack experience is overwhelming. Seeing your peers and people you know working a good job and able to take weekend offs. But I guess everybody life is different. Maybe I just need to push thru the hard phase.

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