
Was fired from my job, they weren’t going to tell me

I was fired a week ago (prep cook), I think. The ambiguity is because of how my former GM worded everything. I'll get to that soon. Skip to bottom if ya don't feel like reading. For the past months my morning job was made a living hell by one particular assistant manager. I have a previous post about when they sent me home for refusing to work for $5 less an hour. They were dismissive, rude and unhelpful the entire time I was there. She would be very condescending to me, and downright hostile when I performed a step that was slightly off from the recipes. (Like cooking the sausage for gravy and crumble at once and separating it, not doing them separately wasting time/ dishes. Shit like that.) I used to wear 1 earbud in during prep, we had repetative, loud country music blaring over the loudspeaker I really…

I was fired a week ago (prep cook), I think. The ambiguity is because of how my former GM worded everything. I'll get to that soon. Skip to bottom if ya don't feel like reading.

For the past months my morning job was made a living hell by one particular assistant manager. I have a previous post about when they sent me home for refusing to work for $5 less an hour. They were dismissive, rude and unhelpful the entire time I was there. She would be very condescending to me, and downright hostile when I performed a step that was slightly off from the recipes. (Like cooking the sausage for gravy and crumble at once and separating it, not doing them separately wasting time/ dishes. Shit like that.) I used to wear 1 earbud in during prep, we had repetative, loud country music blaring over the loudspeaker I really didn't want to hear, and it truly helps me focus. It was made very clear to me after months of asking I wasn't going to get another prep person to help, I was the only one for the entire restauraunt, so I using music to helped me move faster. No one cared except the assistant manager, and eventually my other assistant manager that has no spine and just follows the status quo so they don't get ostracized. That assistant manager also started giving me shit for the same issues as the other one. Even the GM didn't care about the earbud. I mention this because as soon as she started, we weren't allowed to wear earbuds in anymore, even if it was on low and only 1. I'll never wear it on the line, only during prep and some things not even then.

She started writing me up for the earbud thing, and also other things like not completing all my prep even though I begged for help, literally begged and she just said move faster. Or not filling the hotbox all the way with hot stuff for dinner, even though we are dead at dinner time now and the longest thing takes 7 minutes in the microwave. Every morning I would come in to overheated, dead food because of this so I just cut back because night time did nothing. Everything at dinner is made by Chef Mike not even joking, so it's not like it takes long and if it sits on there for too long anything gets NASTY.

She also started manipulating my time clock to say I clocked out earlier than I did, so she would get free labor and not get in trouble for “going over hours.” I need a managers card to clock in, so I always declined it when I saw it, but I caught her doing it 5 times. I have a picture of one of the times too so I have proof of her trying to perform wage theft.

The thing that got me fired was one Thursday my GM told me to clock out by a certain time, and I said ok. When I was cleaning up the assistant manager asked me to cut turkey, and I told her no because I needed to be out by a certain time as per my GM, her boss. She personally got offended at this and made a snide remark about how I'll do something if he asks, but not her. ( she had also red-faced screamed at me about working with an earbud in earlier when my gm said nothing and I had been working about 6 hours with it in at that point. I wasn't about to do anything for her.) She then made a remark about why wasn't the hotbox full when I was leaving,and I said ” I dunno, maybe it was eaten.” She remarked how that is being recorded in the writeup she's gonna do.(??)

I got called that Sunday and told not to come in until I was talked to by GM on Wed. That happened before when I walked out because they were forcing me to work for $5 less and hour (I did NOT sign a split wage contract.) 2 more days lost income.

TL; DR Last Wed my Gm called me in saying I was being let go due to repetative writeups by an abusive assistant manager. I told him about how she was trying to manipulate my time clock multiple times. He said he would talk to the district manager about it, but he didnt say I was fired. I called this Monday because I hadn't heard anything and apparently I was fired, they just weren't going to tell me. I reminded him about the time stealing issue and he said they were looking into it.

My boyfriend said call the corporate office and tell them about it, and hire a wage theft lawyer but would that even do anything? I just wanted to do my job in peace and maybe get a little help so I wasn't always drowning, and I get fired for it. The GM even said he didn't wanna let me go but there was too much paper evidence otherwise.

I guess this is a rant/ what tf should I do post lol. I've been looking for new jobs since my morning one became something I dreaded so hopefully I find something soon.

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