
I went out on a limb and asked for a raise.

My supervisor pointed out 3 other employees to me. One had been on the job for 7 years with no raise; the other had been working for 19 years and no raise; the third only got a raise once she got labeled a “supervisor” aka overseer. I've been working here for 8 months and haven't called in for no sick days or emergencies. Every time I missed overtime was for doctor visits. I'm quitting in 18 months.

My supervisor pointed out 3 other employees to me. One had been on the job for 7 years with no raise; the other had been working for 19 years and no raise; the third only got a raise once she got labeled a “supervisor” aka overseer. I've been working here for 8 months and haven't called in for no sick days or emergencies. Every time I missed overtime was for doctor visits. I'm quitting in 18 months.

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