
Quit job for shorter Commute

That’s it I want to find a closer job with a shorter commute. Right now my commute is 2-3 hours going to work and coming back home. I work 8-4:30 so thats 8 hours. In order to make it to work on time I have to leave my house by 6:45 am. Im lucky to make it on time. I usually make it around 8:15-8:20 am. Chicago Traffic is so horrible not to mention they are doing construction. On the way to O’hare toward Skokie it’s hell. The job in itself is stressful a bit too. I have the job of 3 people. Finance, customer service and quote processing. I want to work a job that is closer to me. During my interview I was promised to eventually work remote. But nope the best they could do is allow me to work from home only on Wednesday. My supervisor calls…

That’s it I want to find a closer job with a shorter commute. Right now my commute is 2-3 hours going to work and coming back home. I work 8-4:30 so thats 8 hours. In order to make it to work on time I have to leave my house by 6:45 am. Im lucky to make it on time. I usually make it around 8:15-8:20 am. Chicago Traffic is so horrible not to mention they are doing construction. On the way to O’hare toward Skokie it’s hell. The job in itself is stressful a bit too. I have the job of 3 people. Finance, customer service and quote processing.

I want to work a job that is closer to me. During my interview I was promised to eventually work remote. But nope the best they could do is allow me to work from home only on Wednesday. My supervisor calls that a privilege. The commute is draining me.

I want to pay off my $18,000 worth of student loan debt before I move closer. Currently Magyars to save $23,000 working at this job for 2 years now. I also paid my car off last year. I have a suv worth 16-17k. If I could sell it I could pay my loans off in a lump sum.

The commute is draining me so much. I’m ready to quit and find something closer. Advice please?

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