
Work forcing mandatory RTO days & biometric SentryCard badges, how to avoid it?

Work has stopped trusting us to do office days as we need and implemented a strict 2 days a week RTO and capping any remote work at 2 weeks PER YEAR. By the end of the year it will be 3 days, and then likely a full RTO. I am desperately trying to get out as a former remote employee of 3 years, but out of 250+ job applications I am going nowhere. Now, they're implementing SentryCard fingerprint badges. Can anyone explain how these work? They're being very secretive about it, but after speaking with some friends they shared that this is solely to track us in the building and I need to find some type of wallet that blocks the signal if I don't want to be tracked. Anyone know more about these cards and which type of RFID blocking wallet would work with these? They're treating us like…

Work has stopped trusting us to do office days as we need and implemented a strict 2 days a week RTO and capping any remote work at 2 weeks PER YEAR. By the end of the year it will be 3 days, and then likely a full RTO. I am desperately trying to get out as a former remote employee of 3 years, but out of 250+ job applications I am going nowhere. Now, they're implementing SentryCard fingerprint badges. Can anyone explain how these work? They're being very secretive about it, but after speaking with some friends they shared that this is solely to track us in the building and I need to find some type of wallet that blocks the signal if I don't want to be tracked. Anyone know more about these cards and which type of RFID blocking wallet would work with these? They're treating us like we build government weapons or something, it's total insanity.

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