
Does this not scream wage theft?

I'm salary Event Manager. I work non stop for my clients, and I am usually at work over 10hrs a day on my event days. Those days are usually on a 10-14 day run with no days off and always on call for the client. Contractually I'm supposed to give the company 2080 hours a year, as well as stay in a certain percentage of “attendance” according to their policy and how they calculate my contribution. Subtract Holidays and approved PTO/FMLA. Then from that number they subtract any last minute illnesses, … then that's the percentage i have to stay with in. This percentage is based on a rolling calendar year. Fast forward to past COVID when the company starts cracking down on attendance and coming after the salary managers. I am in violation of this percentage…. How is this possible when I just told you that I'm at work…

I'm salary Event Manager.

I work non stop for my clients, and I am usually at work over 10hrs a day on my event days. Those days are usually on a 10-14 day run with no days off and always on call for the client.

Contractually I'm supposed to give the company 2080 hours a year, as well as stay in a certain percentage of “attendance” according to their policy and how they calculate my contribution.

Subtract Holidays and approved PTO/FMLA. Then from that number they subtract any last minute illnesses, … then that's the percentage i have to stay with in. This percentage is based on a rolling calendar year.

Fast forward to past COVID when the company starts cracking down on attendance and coming after the salary managers. I am in violation of this percentage….

How is this possible when I just told you that I'm at work for well over by 8hrs per day they say I am. I'm here for 10+ hours each weekend day I'm supposed to be here. My hours don't get clocked, only whole days. My time sheet never reflect what we really work, its only calculated in 8 hour days, no weekends can be marked as being worked, if i work a holiday there's no extra pay because they assume all managers take it off.

Our department manager lets us take other days off in trade for the weekends/holidays worked AFTER our events end. This isn't tracked.

Out department head hates when we push to leave a few hours early or come in late by a few hours. Which while we have a policy that allows us to “flex as needed to do our jobs”, its met with so much push back its not worth the headache that comes with wanting to leave an hour early after being at work way more than the company tracks.

At the end of this fight i've had over this policy, I have been reprimanded for my lack of attendance by being suspended… from work… without pay.. for 4 days in total now.

Also the every 6months i'm supposed to get a merit raise… it has also be cut a percentage due to the same fing policy. (total out over 3% of my overall pay at this point.)

I'm a wrong for feeling exploited?

Is this wage theft?

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