
I quit and job and my employer pay me but the paycheck seem low. Did he scam me?

So I quit a job after working 7 days cause my employer is toxic. I look at my bank account today and I saw that I got paid 450 dollar. That seem low he might have scam me. Considering I work from 8:30-5 and I get 16 an hour. If I do the math it should be 896 dollar with no tax. Even with tax I don’t see it decreasing down to 450. My employer doesn’t do pay stub. So like I never check in and check out. So there was no proof that I work for 7 days even though I did. What do I do? I can try texting him back but like he not going to believe me. The only argument I can see him making is some days he let me leave 2 hour early cause I finish my work. But he said I get paid…

So I quit a job after working 7 days cause my employer is toxic.

I look at my bank account today and I saw that I got paid 450 dollar. That seem low he might have scam me. Considering I work from 8:30-5 and I get 16 an hour.

If I do the math it should be 896 dollar with no tax. Even with tax I don’t see it decreasing down to 450.

My employer doesn’t do pay stub. So like I never check in and check out. So there was no proof that I work for 7 days even though I did.

What do I do? I can try texting him back but like he not going to believe me.

The only argument I can see him making is some days he let me leave 2 hour early cause I finish my work. But he said I get paid till 5 even if I leave early so imma go with his words.

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