
Life is work so why should I have to have a job?

I honestly believe every person has the right to have shelter, clothing, and food paid for. Not that they themselves should have to. I can literally spend my entire day taking care of just life situations that doesn't even involve working for some corporation or even myself. So this endless cycle of working to make money so I can live just makes more work when I'm not working since I have to then take care of all the non work that has obviously piled up when working. Oh so maybe this would be easier if you had like a marriage or kids and you can have one work and the other do non work stuff. Oh one person can't make enough by themselves unless some ceo or some animal jerker or something. So seems like if those three things were not a factor it could possibly work. Of course this…

I honestly believe every person has the right to have shelter, clothing, and food paid for. Not that they themselves should have to.

I can literally spend my entire day taking care of just life situations that doesn't even involve working for some corporation or even myself.

So this endless cycle of working to make money so I can live just makes more work when I'm not working since I have to then take care of all the non work that has obviously piled up when working.

Oh so maybe this would be easier if you had like a marriage or kids and you can have one work and the other do non work stuff. Oh one person can't make enough by themselves unless some ceo or some animal jerker or something.

So seems like if those three things were not a factor it could possibly work. Of course this also doesn't even account for people that want more. But oh wait you mean by cutting those life necessities out of the money equation means people can use their hard earned money on the things they need! No way!

I never talk about this stuff because I always expect to just be a repeat track on this long record of complaining about working.

I just find it so hard to bring myself to work to the bone and to death just to live a life I don't even want, let alone can't even try to make it work unless I make triple the amount people are tying to get be the standard amount.

You couldn't get me to want to work for anyone unless they are my dogs. I could care less about the city, state, county or world or all the people in it. So how would working even make anything better. I don't want to attribute to a society that cares so little about all its people and not just the few.

I am currently unemployed with more than enough to do daily to not even know where or how I would find a job. My wife makes more than I have ever been able to make in the over 15 years of work I have been able to do. I work for a major corporation for almost 15 years and worked like 2 people the whole time as a part timer working full time hours. For what, other than to be skipped over on positions and not paying correctly or even taking my grievance money and using it to get other crap employees their jobs back(yay union!). Or what about all my mental trauma from the sex assaults?

So I ask again, why do I need to work to pay for 3 life necessities that should be my fucking right for being forced into life. If there is bullshit rules telling people what they can and can't do to their bodies, why do I pay for these things that protects this life I don't have a say in apparently?

I need to stop now because I feel I will start really focusing on things other than work like I haven't already. Let alone write this all for nothing basically cause I'm sure it won't be agreed with and down voted by bots or just everyone like I feel my life in general is treated. Peace and love to all that agreed and feel the same. Thanks for reading! I hate working so anitwork is my life, cause life is work.

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