
I got laid off

Put my heart into a company, worked hard thinking that id be appreciated. My boss called to tell that there's not enough work to keep me anymore. I've been applying to jobs for 3+ weeks. Not one interview yet. I'm so scared but the crazy thing is that I'm more worried about being without insurance than being without a paycheck. How is it that the USA is so rich but we don't have any systems in place to help workers?

Put my heart into a company, worked hard thinking that id be appreciated. My boss called to tell that there's not enough work to keep me anymore.

I've been applying to jobs for 3+ weeks. Not one interview yet.

I'm so scared but the crazy thing is that I'm more worried about being without insurance than being without a paycheck. How is it that the USA is so rich but we don't have any systems in place to help workers?

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