
Thought I was Up for a Promotion

I’ve been at my company for 8 years. They just instituted a new policy/criteria for promotions that makes me eligible for one. I would go from level 2 to level 3. So I reviewed the criteria, filled out the form, prepped for the mtg, and then met with my manager to discuss it before submitting the form for approval to her and the committee. I went in fully confident thinking I had it in the bag. I excel at my job. Then she spent the entire meeting telling me in exquisite detail just why she thought I didn’t deserve the raise and everything I’m doing wrong in my role as reasons she thinks I shouldn’t be considered. A whole hour listening to why I suck at my job and don’t deserve and extra 5k. It was brutal. I’ve never been so shocked in my life. Im utterly speechless and just…

I’ve been at my company for 8 years. They just instituted a new policy/criteria for promotions that makes me eligible for one. I would go from level 2 to level 3. So I reviewed the criteria, filled out the form, prepped for the mtg, and then met with my manager to discuss it before submitting the form for approval to her and the committee.

I went in fully confident thinking I had it in the bag. I excel at my job. Then she spent the entire meeting telling me in exquisite detail just why she thought I didn’t deserve the raise and everything I’m doing wrong in my role as reasons she thinks I shouldn’t be considered. A whole hour listening to why I suck at my job and don’t deserve and extra 5k. It was brutal. I’ve never been so shocked in my life. Im utterly speechless and just blown away at her fucking audacity. It was like she was sitting on this land mine just waiting for her moment to throw it in my face.

I don’t know what the fuck happened. Or what to do about it. It just really sucked and I need to get out of this company. Im applying elsewhere but so far no luck. I was hoping this promotion would just be a nice help before getting a new job somewhere else but I guess not. Fml.

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