
Boss is nasty to workers and yet wonders why the unemployment rate is so high

I got a job working at a farm/ market and my job was to stock inventory, and check out customers.. Well at the end of every night all the baskets of fruits and other inventory was moved to the cooler and was retaken out in the morning. We sold Driscoll strawberries but for some reason they had these little blue pints they wanted the strawberries to be displayed in (Almost like they wanted people to assume they were grown on the farm) well anyways when opening the store was often my job which meant also getting everything out on the floor and have it neatly displayed. Well while I was doing the strawberries one of the elderly ladies who owned the farm said “You Know, I really can’t stand to watch you do the strawberries. It really bothers me how long you take it’s not an art just get them…

I got a job working at a farm/ market and my job was to stock inventory, and check out customers..

Well at the end of every night all the baskets of fruits and other inventory was moved to the cooler and was retaken out in the morning. We sold Driscoll strawberries but for some reason they had these little blue pints they wanted the strawberries to be displayed in (Almost like they wanted people to assume they were grown on the farm) well anyways when opening the store was often my job which meant also getting everything out on the floor and have it neatly displayed.

Well while I was doing the strawberries one of the elderly ladies who owned the farm said “You Know, I really can’t stand to watch you do the strawberries. It really bothers me how long you take it’s not an art just get them in the pints and on the floor.” And all I did was pretty much give her a stupid smile because I was floored at how rude she was…

She worked right within ear shot of where the register was and she’d hear me treating customers kindly all day long and never once was I late getting inventory on the floor.

I did everything they asked me to do with no attitude. She once told me to dust all the lids on all the jars they had (it was a lot) when I was finished she asked how it was. I thought it was odd but I just said “It was nice, kept me busy.” To which she replied “wait until next week when you have to clean each one again” Smiled and walked away.

While I was there she also constantly complained about how high the unemployment rate was (mind you this was during Covid)

Like well yeah lady some people are lazy and others are tired of working their asses off for shitty bosses only to be belittled and spat on.

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