
The truth about who wants to be in the office

I'm temporarily in the office 3 days a week and dear God the dumb shit the lonely idiots do and call it work is embarrassing. It's this combination of Boomer mindset and an apparent less than stellar family life that has folks in here making photo copies of shit that should be PDF files emailed to their intended recipients. Inane conversations that could also be emails and a sick need to force folks to talk about what you're having for lunch and share a bathroom. Back in office? More like Backwards assed. There is no reason to waste gas and time to see and smell these people.

I'm temporarily in the office 3 days a week and dear God the dumb shit the lonely idiots do and call it work is embarrassing.

It's this combination of Boomer mindset and an apparent less than stellar family life that has folks in here making photo copies of shit that should be PDF files emailed to their intended recipients.

Inane conversations that could also be emails and a sick need to force folks to talk about what you're having for lunch and share a bathroom.

Back in office? More like Backwards assed.

There is no reason to waste gas and time to see and smell these people.

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