
Update on previous post: I met with my boss about her expectations of me being “on call”

For starters, please read my linked initial post for context. boss suddenly announced I’ll be on call If you're anything like me, and you seethe at labor exploitation, I'm sure this will give you your fair share of fury for the day. I (24m) met with my boss (34f) this morning to discuss the implications of my “on call” work (which I haven't yet received compensation for) I was firm in my assertion that I need to be paid for any overtime work, no matter how long the task may take. I brought up how I was at dinner with my wife, parents, and best friend on Friday at 9:45 PM and I received a work call. I reluctantly (which I now regret doing) stepped outside to take the call, which lasted about 5 minutes. Regardless, it disrupted an otherwise extremely pleasant evening spent with family and loved ones. Her…

For starters, please read my linked initial post for context.

boss suddenly announced I’ll be on call

If you're anything like me, and you seethe at labor exploitation, I'm sure this will give you your fair share of fury for the day. I (24m) met with my boss (34f) this morning to discuss the implications of my “on call” work (which I haven't yet received compensation for)

I was firm in my assertion that I need to be paid for any overtime work, no matter how long the task may take. I brought up how I was at dinner with my wife, parents, and best friend on Friday at 9:45 PM and I received a work call. I reluctantly (which I now regret doing) stepped outside to take the call, which lasted about 5 minutes. Regardless, it disrupted an otherwise extremely pleasant evening spent with family and loved ones. Her response to this?…”the issue you're describing is something that could have, and should have been taken care of while you were at work. Anything that could be done during regular office hours will not be compensated additionally for, regardless of the circumstances”

Amazed by her cold response, I gave her a confused look and stated that I actually did everything I had to during the day, and the situation that arose was completely out of my control. She didn't agree, so I moved onto the next scenario. I explained how the very next day, while out shopping, my wife (who was at home and about to meet me at the gym) called me and said that my work phone was ringing, and that it wouldn't stop. I went back home, and took an hour to solve the problem that arose (which wasn't the fault of the person calling me at all, it's the fault of my boss for giving them the liberty to do that). When explaining this situation to my boss, she claimed that that issue also could have been solved during work hours. As it was a situation completely out of my control, I replied “(name), I will need to be compensated for any work done outside of office hours. It says on our company website that any work done outside of regular hours is eligible for overtime pay, and you can't deny that.”

Her response was “well, I guess we'll have to discuss compensation in our next meeting then”

To which I replied “I don't think there is much to discuss, but I do respectfully request and expect to be compensated accordingly for the tasks I have logged doing, and have irrefutable record of. Until then, I don't think it's reasonable for me to continue picking up the phone and disrupting the precious time I have to spend with my wife, family, friends, or myself when I am out of the office”.

I then walked out of her office. I will update once I receive additional payment, but damn did it feel good to stand up for myself.

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