
Need to know how I can help my wife.

My wife works in a state government job. A little background, her job was furloughed durring COVID and after three months of furlough, they brought her into another department for a job she was qualified for until they could give her her old position which she really loves. While in this temporary position, she had to work for the personification of a papercut under a fingernail. This bitch would always find shit at the last second that was “life or death urgent,” and make people stay late for hours. She would have people who were scheduled to work a 10 hour day work an extra six hours every day. Long story short, she toughed it out, got her old position back and things were going swimingly, until two weeks ago, when, you guessed it, her former temporary boss got promoted to a position above her regular boss, and now the…

My wife works in a state government job. A little background, her job was furloughed durring COVID and after three months of furlough, they brought her into another department for a job she was qualified for until they could give her her old position which she really loves. While in this temporary position, she had to work for the personification of a papercut under a fingernail. This bitch would always find shit at the last second that was “life or death urgent,” and make people stay late for hours. She would have people who were scheduled to work a 10 hour day work an extra six hours every day.

Long story short, she toughed it out, got her old position back and things were going swimingly, until two weeks ago, when, you guessed it, her former temporary boss got promoted to a position above her regular boss, and now the same shit is starting to happen all over again.

I want to help my wife through this, but she loves her job and the future security that her retirement plan offers, and I don't want her to have to walk away from that.

I'm wondering what I can do to help her. I'm thinking someone from a private labor relations firm whose client has an interest in her future managerial decisions might need to present their terms to her in a, shall we say, resolute manner?

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