
I have a good, remote, decent-paying job as a digital transcriber, but it requires me to transcribe some of the most delusional, false, political messages out there.

I lost my full-time job last November. This April, through some family connections, I was offered a job as a remote digital transcriber for a Christian organization. As an agnostic, I didn't like it, but I was desperate for income of any sort, and beggars can't be choosers – so I accepted. It pays pretty well; about $35 per hour – and it's fully remote. So all in all, it's a pretty cushy gig. The problem is…….it involves me having to transcribe some awful messages into Microsoft Word documents (using ChatGPT, etc. to convert millions of words at a time) so that audiences can read it. And I can't help but feel this inner revulsion at what I'm doing. It's falsehoods from charlatans like Tucker Carlson, Faux News-ish conspiracies, fake news, David Pawson, pro-Trumpish stuff, all kinds of tall tales and urban legends being passed off as truth. I hate…

I lost my full-time job last November. This April, through some family connections, I was offered a job as a remote digital transcriber for a Christian organization. As an agnostic, I didn't like it, but I was desperate for income of any sort, and beggars can't be choosers – so I accepted. It pays pretty well; about $35 per hour – and it's fully remote. So all in all, it's a pretty cushy gig.

The problem is…….it involves me having to transcribe some awful messages into Microsoft Word documents (using ChatGPT, etc. to convert millions of words at a time) so that audiences can read it. And I can't help but feel this inner revulsion at what I'm doing. It's falsehoods from charlatans like Tucker Carlson, Faux News-ish conspiracies, fake news, David Pawson, pro-Trumpish stuff, all kinds of tall tales and urban legends being passed off as truth.

I hate doing it, but I need the income. I feel like I'm complicit in enabling such fake news to be spread further, but I've applied for 600 other jobs to no avail. This transcriber job is the only thing keeping me financially afloat.

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