
I don’t know where to go with this anymore..

Hey there, Sooo to make things short, I was threatened by another employee, It wasn't direct to my face, however I took it seriously because the person who threatened me has done it before to 3 other employees and I really don't think 4x is an acceptable tolerance for threats. The day I was threatened I brought it directly to the boss' attention, as I do not want to confront people because I know how my anger is and figured it best for a situation like this. I was told there was a plan in place and I shouldn't worry. Fast forward to the next week and.. well nothing. The guy still works here and it doesn't seem anything changed. I wasn't updated or told anything more. I let a couple weeks go by and truly tried to just “forgive and move on” but it just kept irking me. So…

Hey there,

Sooo to make things short, I was threatened by another employee, It wasn't direct to my face, however I took it seriously because the person who threatened me has done it before to 3 other employees and I really don't think 4x is an acceptable tolerance for threats.

The day I was threatened I brought it directly to the boss' attention, as I do not want to confront people because I know how my anger is and figured it best for a situation like this. I was told there was a plan in place and I shouldn't worry.

Fast forward to the next week and.. well nothing. The guy still works here and it doesn't seem anything changed. I wasn't updated or told anything more. I let a couple weeks go by and truly tried to just “forgive and move on” but it just kept irking me. So I had a discussion with 3 out of the 4 people threatened and we just determined there should be more done as they brought up their concerns and no change.

An anonymous email was sent to HR and a couple days later there was a team meeting stating that this job isn't highschool and you can either confront the person you have issue with, or discuss it with the boss as threatening is considered not allowed and zero tolerance for such.

After this I lost all faith.

People were upset and there's a fair backing of support for those affected.

Right now we just don't know what else to do. We can't afford to just lawyer up and honestly we're all a bit afraid of what might happen.

Idk if this is more of a vent or what but work shouldn't be this way.

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