
Can Old Employer Contact New Employer?

I broke the number 1 rule when leaving a toxic work environment, I told them where I was going when I was put on the spot… I promised myself I wouldn't and I haven't told a soul through week 1 of my notice but then the boss called me in to discuss my resignation and just flat out asked me and I freakin folded like a bitch. I have an exit interview I am supposed to complete soon where I was planning to expose all of their vial behavior to HR but now I don't think I can do that. Any advice would be helpful. I'm not sure what to do from here. I want to expose them but I think if I do they will contact my new employer.

I broke the number 1 rule when leaving a toxic work environment, I told them where I was going when I was put on the spot… I promised myself I wouldn't and I haven't told a soul through week 1 of my notice but then the boss called me in to discuss my resignation and just flat out asked me and I freakin folded like a bitch.

I have an exit interview I am supposed to complete soon where I was planning to expose all of their vial behavior to HR but now I don't think I can do that.

Any advice would be helpful. I'm not sure what to do from here. I want to expose them but I think if I do they will contact my new employer.

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