
Working for small businesses is horrible!

I’ve been working at a small business these past few months and I can confidently say the honeymoon phase is over. It’s my first time working for a small business as all my other jobs were with big corporations. Working for this company is like nothing I’ve ever experienced with larger ones. Not to say that they are amazing, just comparing what I’ve been through. I feel like management is always making excuses or gaslighting me and others on valid points that we have. Even regarding safety procedures and hazards around the building (I work in a warehouse). Manager couldn’t even give clear instructions for a fire plan like what!?!? Not good considering the warehouse is FULL of things that can catch fire as well. Not to mention upper management is forever micromanaging and checking every single little detail on the things we do, it makes us feel like they…

I’ve been working at a small business these past few months and I can confidently say the honeymoon phase is over. It’s my first time working for a small business as all my other jobs were with big corporations. Working for this company is like nothing I’ve ever experienced with larger ones. Not to say that they are amazing, just comparing what I’ve been through.

I feel like management is always making excuses or gaslighting me and others on valid points that we have. Even regarding safety procedures and hazards around the building (I work in a warehouse). Manager couldn’t even give clear instructions for a fire plan like what!?!? Not good considering the warehouse is FULL of things that can catch fire as well.

Not to mention upper management is forever micromanaging and checking every single little detail on the things we do, it makes us feel like they have no trust in us after all these months. i also feel like they haven’t properly trained us either as there was no proper induction. They basically gave a brief rundown on how things work and sent us on our way – while also putting pressure on us for making NO mistakes? I even got told off on my first day because I wasn’t shown how to do a task correctly and stuffed it up. They need to realise mistakes are bound to happen due to improper/almost no training.

Furthermore, the boss and management are too set in their ways. Procedures alongside the programs and tools we use are super dated. Everything is manual and I can tell it’s affecting the business in many ways, but they are too cheap to upgrade anything. Even when myself or others give feedback on just small ways to help the business we are always met with defensiveness or some BS excuse as to why it doesn’t need to be changed.

Anyway it’s safe to say I’m looking for a new job!

TL;DR: Small businesses suck to work for :/

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