
Question regarding commission based jobs

I work for a commission based job in Oklahoma but we are able to clock in so we at least receive minimum wage for the hours we work in case we don’t sell anything. Over the last month we switched systems and none of us have been able to clock in because we don’t have access to our new usernames or passwords yet. My last paycheck was $0 even though I worked 100+ hours those two weeks and they’re not willing to give any of us our minimum wage plus hours because we didn’t clock in, even though we couldn’t. That has to be against some kind of labor law right? How can I work 100 hours in two weeks and not even get paid a penny?

I work for a commission based job in Oklahoma but we are able to clock in so we at least receive minimum wage for the hours we work in case we don’t sell anything. Over the last month we switched systems and none of us have been able to clock in because we don’t have access to our new usernames or passwords yet. My last paycheck was $0 even though I worked 100+ hours those two weeks and they’re not willing to give any of us our minimum wage plus hours because we didn’t clock in, even though we couldn’t. That has to be against some kind of labor law right? How can I work 100 hours in two weeks and not even get paid a penny?

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