
CNN passively aggressively suggest you would be better off if your neighbors were unemployed and struggling enough to lower prices – what kind of reckless late stage capitalism propaganda is this?

Hey Antiwork – I’m a fan. I work (thought I should clear the air) and I’m lucky I like my job. I know it’s rare (not being sarcastic). But what do you think about the suggestion by CNN that if your friends and neighbors are not fired soon, the rich who benefit from our economy will not stop the attack of inflation (money printing for their friends)?

Hey Antiwork – I’m a fan. I work (thought I should clear the air) and I’m lucky I like my job. I know it’s rare (not being sarcastic). But what do you think about the suggestion by CNN that if your friends and neighbors are not fired soon, the rich who benefit from our economy will not stop the attack of inflation (money printing for their friends)?

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